How to convert handwriting to Text simultaneously?

How to make handwriting to text component/ utility ?

I want to create a facility in my app where someone draws or writes with his or her finger and that is converted in relative text, number, sign etc.

It is an education app where questions are available and below the questions, I want to create such functionality to write or draw with finger (or type with keyboard, as per user’s choice) which is ultimately converted in typed text.

Can you please help me ?

I am also looking for this function

Use Canvas and OCR components to do this.

thanks I will try

I managed to write with canvas, now it lacks that this writing turns into normal writing, as in google translation

I have already done a part, but I miss the rest, writing (with canvas) to writing in textbox

I don’t see any help coming??? is it too complicated to realize ?? thank you

Previously i gave u an idea to use canvas and OCR to do this.

I see your blocks. After drawing you can save the image and after saving use OCR the read the charecters from image to text.

I have not tried this, just giving you an overview. You can try if this works.

I can’t save an image made with canvas and read it.

You should use a valid a filename like myFile.jpg…


it does not work

I tested with the companion and installing it on my phone it does not work.???

What does a Do it onto the Canvas.SaveAs method return? Try a full path to set the background image


when i do “DO IT” i am : error from companion width and height must be >0

Do It Result: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Picture.

you might want to set the background image to a default image on first run of the app, i.e. set the value if tag not there socket to that default background image rather than an empty string

and then show us a screenshot of the Do it result


I can’t save what I draw in canvas