Hello, everyone!
I would like to ask a question : How do I copy files (small pdf) from the assets of my app to the internal storage?
I have read these posts :
It previously works in the previous version of Kodular, the Eagle one
I suspect that the extension has some problem in this new version of Kodular, but I am not really sure.
Below are the things I have done, using the Taifun’s File Extension + Kodular’s Sharing Component
The error message that appears when I share the file : “/storage/emulated/0/Makeroid/assets/brosur_NBS” and “File not found for sharing”
I have granted the storage permission for the app.
After I checked in the File Manager, apparently the app successfully creates the folder but the file is not there, I think this is why the app failed to share.
Thank you for the answer, Anke!
I am so delighted with the solution you have provided.
But where do you get that block that says “join” but they have it horizontally?
Source: Anke
Hi there, Peter!
Thank you for the help, I am now able to obtain the horizontal input for the “Join” block.
If it is alright, I would like to ask the last question, please. It is still related to the picture that has been sent by Anke.
Source: Anke
In the bottom, there is a line, call getASD1 …
May I know the details about GetASD? Does it mean I have to add two Taifun’s File Extension in the screen?
Files can only be copied from internal storage (assets) to the privateDir (internal storage) or to external storage and the ASD. Since Android 11, files can only be copied to the ASD and special Shared folders.
For more details see here:
This has nothing to do with the TinyDB. There paths, text etc. can be saved, but not files.