How to create list with custom listview

Yes right now.

I dont think you need the recycle extension for this… Recycler can be used whenever you have large amount of data else app fell laggs while constructing dynamic components/layouts.

Suppose I want to run 500+ cardview in app then?
thtas why i need to run with recylingview aix

Please help me!!! @Still-learning

Please stop spamming and tag users

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No issue to help you . See, in previous post itself I have suggest you not to use single digit as fb tag also suggested how to convert the single digit to double in demo aia. If possible just change it in your dB then let we fix it. Also in your aia, there is no expecting layout. Then how do can I suggest man?

Do you mean like this?
sample of fb structure

recycler view

This Design is not bad:’ but can you adjust label place like as this picture design!

You mean text 1 left of HA1 and text two in Right side of HA1 and so on…

In card view
Example: Name1 Name2
Space… Name3 Name4

Pls test this… I have used almost reduced blocks without causing error

Test_1.aia (330.1 KB)


thnks you so much, im CHecking

cn u give ur recycle extension link,

Credit to @zainulhassan

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With this blocks all cardview backgrounds color are same but I want to change specific cardview background color.
Any solution for this !:disappointed_relieved:
Test_1 (1).aia (331.8 KB)
ScreenShot Tool -20220606120722
And when click of any cardview then show value of clicked cardview information

I m tired for showing data in another label of cardview datas

Is this what you want ?

Test_recycl_1.aia (334.1 KB)

Thank u for support .

But cn u showed first name in data1 nd second value show in data2label.

Or if any cardview value contain piece “A” then cardview background color yellow…or other all cardview color just white…
ScreenShot Tool -20220606212046

How will you define it before creating the layout :thinking: ? can you be more specific? If possible pls consider setting the BG color alternatively or random cv to BG color

started the topic with custom list view =====> solved :white_check_mark:
again asked thelist view in recycler view =====> solved :white_check_mark:
again asked in different layout =====> solved :white_check_mark:
again asking in some more customonisation … :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Please , if possible finalise your layout or customonisation

testcard1.aia (340.4 KB)
(added: Onclick, app will pop up clicked item details in separate labels)

Ok OK​:roll_eyes:. Thanks​:grin:

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