How to customize the Manifest → example: Companion APK

Yes, I could do that, but I’m not sure if @Kodular would be amused about it.
As I have shown, it doesn’t even take 1 min to do it yourself.


i want to remove storage permission from my application.

so i need to remove this line from manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

no other line need to enter or remove

I am right ?

Check, next are you 100% sure any of the components or extensions need that permission before deleting it !!!

You must also remove this line:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

Note: If your app requires these READ / WRITE permissions, an error message will appear after the permissions are removed from the Manifest.

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I was the doubt that you now cleared.

Thank you :blush: :blush:

I removed the READ / WRITE permissions from almost all of my apps because they are not needed there, but have still been added to the Manifest.

My motivation for this:
I would like that no (dangerous) permission at install-time has to be requested and granted for devices with Android < 6 (API level < 23).

Note: If these permissions are not removed from the Manifest, they must be granted on devices with Android versions < 6 at install-time in order to be able to install the app.

excuse me @bodymindpower I used your given companion app, when I every time open the app it shows me Admob monetize ad alert, the companion is not still connected to the creator, and I don’t have ads on the creator also, this is a bug?


Can you help me please?
Error packing APK problem.
I also tries to remove location permission
I still can’t find how to solve this problem.

My Technologies are below. windows10 64bit

Why in xiaomi canot write external storage

Thank you @bodymindpower I need your advanced help
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:
I have managed to install this APK Editor Studio but please help me to know which codes and in which line should I add on the Manifest so that I can be able to publish it on Play Store and avoid the error of API Level 30

If you want to upload a new app to the Play Store, the app needs to be targeting Android 11 AND you need to use an AAB. Unfortunately, this cannot (yet) be decompiled. So you have no choice but to wait for the final Kodular Update (targetSdkVersion = 30).


No I want to update my app, so I am asking which code and in which line should I add in Manifest?

It is not required for old apps, you can directly upload apk or aab

Then you can build the APK (targetSdkVersion = 29) and upload it to the Play Store. There is no need to use AAB for updates, also not after Okt 2021.

Maybe but I need help from @bodymindpower to know exactly how to set manually because I real like to learn some things

Sure but I just wanted to learn a little bit how to set Manually to API Level 30

In the Manifest:

<manifest xmlns:android="" ... >
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19" android:targetSdkVersion="30" />

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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