How To decrease size of the stars in rating bar?

Update Rating Bar Sizes ( Width , Height ) Please Update This Feature For Next Update…

You do not need to tag people in your first post this like forcing them, it is against community rules,

iam suggesting issues to kodular staff

And what is the issue, I do not get it


i need to decrease size of the stars…

yes that would be helpful if we can change size of rating component, including stars

Did you get the solution?

You may not do it with Rating bar component
(I don’t know if it updated now or has feature to change star size)
Do it with custom notifier

Use images instead of ratingbar I have made it and soon going to launch for paid in marketplace category

How can I restrict rating bar to change? I want to see rating bar value from airtable but when I change the star value it got change, but not updating in airtable since i didn’t use set value…but still I want to see star rating it should not change on changing the value…How can i achieve this?

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