How to determine the mosques closest to you through kodular

How to determine the mosques closest to you through kodular

  • Create a list of mosques with their coordinates in a JSON file, and then upload the file to the assets.

  • With a File component, read the JSON file.

  • With the LocationSensor component, read the location of the user (latitude and longitude).

  • Using the Haversine formula, find the mosque with eh closest distance.

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Use APIs
You will find Tons of Geocoding APIs
Try This one :

That’s Way too complex & Huge

Haversine formula?

Can you make a simple video of the establishment of the nearest mosques

Just once Try Yourself. It will Increase Your Logic to build Code
just Saying

btw I am making a guide on this soon anyways

No. This works offline, and helps you train your math and thinking skills. Actually, it’s not even “huge”. Plus, my method is not subject to any quota usage, unlike your API. Only 108 blocks are used, so it’s pretty acceptable.

In this example, I am testing for the closest Hong Kong MTR (Underground) station.

I took part of the code for the Haversine forumla here (credit @juananton1991): Map distance Haversine. Marker. Drag. LineString - Tutorials and Guides - MIT App Inventor Community


[["Kennedy Town", 22.281250727387963, 114.12886429458312],
["Sheung Wan", 22.286596376377837, 114.15183691762358],
["Central", 22.281953215872946, 114.15818049600362],
["Admiralty", 22.279414189216887, 114.16454573327208],
["Causeway Bay", 22.28040802199333, 114.18511814336304],
["Fortress Hill", 22.288012978467332, 114.1935168988797],
["North Point", 22.29139899385995, 114.2004158766255],
["Tai Koo", 22.284682391482125, 114.2162235347446],
["Sai Wan Ho", 22.282101131965682, 114.22165273079993],
["Chai Wan", 22.264626227177658, 114.23690142055202]]



It gives me a result of 474.6m. Currently I am 486.1m away, so it is pretty close.


AIA: MTRStations.aia (6.2 KB)