How to Enable Fullscreen mode in any videos in webview in kodular

I made you this example, try it and you will see that it can be placed in full screen and make the screen rotate automatically

WebView_FullScreen.aia (65.5 KB)

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I tried it. thank you so much. Iā€™ve been searching for 2 weeks, I couldnā€™t find it.

Did it work for you or was it not what you were looking for?

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it worked. exactly what I was looking for. thank you.


After adding it, the download option did not work. Can you give this blog on customwebview, please?

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Thank you very much

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you must enable the download option

Can you please see
app2.aia (399.6 KB)

After using this when I click on link, link do not open

I already reviewed your project
Well Iā€™ll modify it quite a bit so Iā€™ll give you permission for that!
Amm you have to allow the creation of tabs or popups for the functions to download
Also to be able to navigate in other types of links outside the web (those links that are not from your server but from another external source)

Between today and tomorrow I show you the modifications

Amm you have to allow the creation of tabs or popups to be able to browse other types of links outside the web (those links that are not from your server but from another external source)

Or what exactly is your mistake, it would be good to show the error to better understand?

it used to be downloading. It didnā€™t happen after you placed the codes you provided. No popup or new tab is required to download. direct downloading.

Look at the aia file I gave. For example: does not download movies

I already checked and solved the download, now it works, but for that you must enable popups and links that are on your page are not 100% direct, make a redirect

Unfortunately, it downloads directly on the site. It is not possible for us to popup. I tried popup but it didnā€™t work.

But how ?
please tell me.

Well already modify your file

-Open second tabs
-You can close the tabs you open
-Downloading method enabled

Try it and tell me if it worked for you
Sorry for the delay!

app2.aia (403.9 KB)

I leave you this project, I have already added what you request
Change the URL you want to test with

Let us know if it works for you!

WebView_FullScreen.aia (70.5 KB)


Iā€™ve tried. It works. Thank you. But when we come back, there is a choice of 1, 2. Is it possible to close the new tab and return to the old page instead?

Edit: It does not identify the file when it is downloaded, as the file does not have .mp4 at the end.

Of course, if you could, leave a page identifier to know which one you are currently on, so the user will close the correct tab and return to the last open tab.
The plug-in downloads the files hosted to a link if you want to put with extension and name to the downloads would have to rename the file and put the extension

Play with the component or you can search the kodular forum there are many examples and ideas.

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