How to exchange data between screens

How to exchange data between screens
So is there no alternative to this?


So is there no alternative to this?

thank you


You can use open another screen with start value block:

To pass a value to another screen, this value would be stored in the StartValue block:


You can use TinyDB, which you can store data and get data from any screen, the data will persist as well, even if you closed your app or rebooted your phone:

I already know that I’m asking if there is an alternative :smiley:

Open another screen with start value block is a possible alternative. :wink:

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Store the data on screen1 on TinyDB and retrieve that data on other screens.

However, in order to use it, I have to use Open another screen with start value again.

use as less screens as possible and as much screens as necessary, see tip 1 here



Create an app with just 1 screen :crazy_face:

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There Is 4 Way To Exchange Data Between Screen

  1. Use Open Screen With Value Block
  2. Use TinyDB
  3. Use Online Database
  4. Use MYSQLite Database

I try to do it with tiny db but I get an error

Which Error ?

I get an error when using tiny db alone

In fact, let me explain directly to you

Login with gmail on screen 1 of my application
then it creates 1 code with 4 digits on screen 1

And That’s Code You Want To Show In Another Screen ?

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then screen 1 no longer opens and the application starts to open on screen 2.
but for security purposes the user logs in with that 4 digit code

I’m pulling that code with Open another screen with start value block
not that

But I will update my application today
and I want to take my user’s gmail photo, gmail name and gmail on screen 3 but it doesn’t work


I’m using this block but the list gives an error

I used a list for this, but the list gives an error


Index 1 For PIN
Index 2 For isim
Index 3 For Email
Index 4 For Profile Pic

I know I tried but I’m getting this error

That’s Means Your List Is Not Passing Properly