How to export keystore for android studio

Hii everyone,
I was developed an Application from Kodular and published it on Google Play Store.
But now I learnt android studio very well So now I want to developed this application from android studio. Now the problem is “keystore”, How I can get the same keystore for android studioeveryone,
I was developed an Application from Kodular and published it on Google Play Store.
But now I learnt android studio very well So now I want to developed this application from android studio.

Please don’t create duplicate topics :warning::warning:

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Is this topic already asked??

Yes by you from almost half an hour:

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Please give me the topic url.

Oh sorry it was created by network issue.
I will remove duplicate topic.
And thanks

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Try this: Export keystore from Kodular → android.keystore → rename it to keystore.jks → import it into Android Studio.

Ok, I will try this…

No, It is not working.

Failed to read key AndroidDebugKey from store “C:\Users\\debug.keystore”: No key with alias ‘AndroidDebugKey’ found in keystore C:\Users\\debug.keystore

See e.g. here:

But this is not the place to go to answer questions about Android Studio.
Btw, I haven’t worked with Android Studio yet.

Ok, Thanks