701 error solution
This is my first thread and please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything
If you are reading this article, you must have encountered problems when opening audio and video files and playing them, and error 701 will be displayed to you.
But don’t worry, you can use this method
What is error 701?
This error is displayed when there is a problem retrieving your file from storage and the player cannot recognize that file.
The main problem occurs when retrieving the file name, because there are spaces between the names, the presence of these spaces causes the file to remain unknown and as a result, an error is displayed.
To solve this problem, we must convert the spaces in the file name to underline (_).
Therefore, we copy the file and paste the name of the new file.
Then we provide the file that has no empty space as a resource to the player.
AIA file
eror701.aia (86.5 KB)
APK file
eror701.apk (5.2 MB)
Extensions used
##Taifun Player