How to fix runtime error

please fix the Runtime error
error is java.lang.boolean cannot cast to java.lang.string

Show the blocks.

We can not fix your errors…
You try to use a true or false block anywhere… but a text is needed.

please check my aia Gem_toolbox.aia (3.4 MB)

I think it’s because there are two many ads

Here is the solution…

By removing Leadbolt ads from loading seems to work.


Can you tell me where i should fix this ?

He already answered your question two times. :roll_eyes:

thanks a lot it works

and you did what to make it work

I remove all leadbolt ads and also can you teach me how to use properly leadbolt ads.

I can teach you don’t use leadbolt ads they are waste a big waste and adsence is also a waste they ban their accounts while you just check ads if they are working without a single misclick.
Ahhh I am tired of this sell your own ads