How to get approval?

how can i request for approval third party link ?
how to request owener and get approval?

Contact the third party websites owner on there contact for business purpose page


how to add approval link in kodular? and which link add?

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Share the scree shot where you wants to add that link ?


hey Dear!
i am new user in kodular. Currently i m not using any ads component. can i eligible for Google ads manager ?

have you ever earned from your apps minimun 15 $ if yes then you can apply for the new ads system by kodular and

You can create it no problem

Please refer to for the requirements to apply


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I am also asking about this if I send it to monetize or profit from my application
when will this be approved and if I get approval

can I update it several times؟
or should I also send it again. ؟

Sorry for using your post I hope everyone solves their problems

The transaction is negative