I have some records stored in Airtable (as shown in below img.)
Now I want to get/fetch the details of the user, according to email by which the user gets Logged-In
Example:- My login email is [email protected] and Password is Demo@1234
Now when I login to my account then, I will get Name and Phone corresponding to the email. and want to show in profile section of App.
I want to get details of login user and show the details in my app screen.
Example: 2. Vikas is logged-In and now i want to get Vikas’s name, Number, email, balance from airtable and show in my app screen, and do same for each
how can i do this with simple blocks, or
Please try to create blocks for my better understanding (if possible), I’ll be thankful to you.!
I have stored user email in tinydb, when user logged-In (with tag email)
Now, is it possible to find the stored email from airtable and fetch the related details ??
not solved at all, and I also think that this approach is not effective as easy
Please help me out to fetch the data from airtable of particular users detail
Try to give me another method if you have to do this as my desire ??
Sorry… You have made mistake somewhere else iy seems… As per the query method(that i’ve suggested ), If the Name col matches with the given name and those row values alone will completly downloaded from airtable… Pls show me what have you tried
and got this result, (IMG 2)
_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Now the question is how can I show each field value to each label separately,
Example:- (as in result Image IMG 2 shows) the record contains keys -[Name, Email, Password, Phone] & having corresponding values to each key, so how can i extract values and shows in labels
like in Name label = Wins Saini,
in Email label = [email protected]
in Phone label = +91-9671XXXXXX
and other keys I’ll add later like balance key, etc.
please do understand it and solve it for me, I’ll be thankful to you!