Try this and see if it works for you
test_dynamic_firebase.aia (40.2 KB)
I got it , Thankyou very much
How to Use with Security Rules and Firebase Authentication
This work only if you do not use security rules. Otherwise instead of using web component you have to use firebase blocks
How can I add a search view in this listview?
Search on community. There are many guides about that. One of them is here.
But I am using web component to get data from database to dynamic listview.
It has not any list created.
BTW, it doesn’t matter what you are using for fetching the data.
What do you mean by this? You have to create the list first and insert your data to them then you have to make search bar.
I am not using a “Initialize global variable” block to create a list to show in the dynamic listview.
I am getting data from database directly to the dynamic listview
Initialise the variable to create empty list
then when the data is fetched then insert the data to that variable in form of list by Set variable block. I hope you got it.
Can you send the aia
what you will write in the text box? Names?
yes, names and if possible then occupation also
yes, its working properly
Thanks Buddy