How to hide bottom navigation bar for the login page

Hi I’m creating an app using Kodular webviewer.

The website contains a login page on opening, I want login page to be in the first screen which does not have a bottom navigation bar and after logging in the navigation bar should appear for the rest of screens of the app.

Can anyone please help me how to achieve this.

Will this be possible. Thanks in advance.

When web page loaded
If we viewer current url is equal
Then hide the bottom navigation bar
Else visible true to navigation bar

Current url must be the login page


what if the login url is dynamic ??

Pls show us your blocks

I have two urls for login. I need to hide bottom navigation bar for both of them.

I have used current page title in which I was able to hide for only one page.

use current url

But url will always be changing on refresh that is the problem.

I’m using page title.

however it will have some common text na at specific special charaters so use split text at

Pls provide few eg so that we could assist because in imagination mode we can say thousand suggestion but real be different

Nothing much complex.

I have two pages in which I wanted to hide bottom navigation bar.

Those two pages I’m giving as current page title.

But it is working for only one page title.

oh dear sorry. I am unable to provide further suggestion due to incomplete details as you are telling web site is changing on every refresh

Its not whole website but only those two pages.