How to hide my Downloaded files

this will be returned by the method ApplicationSpecificDirectory
please try something and if you get stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks

Still I can access the ASD dir

So basically I download the file thought your extension and I used file Tools extension to make list of folder which are present in ASD and I get path to label1 so now I get path of ASD but I access this dir (my phone is not rooted)

Example screenshot :point_down:

Is there is anyway to hide my files from user permanently (with out using β€œ.”)

you still can access the files, because Kodular targets API 29, but as soon as Kodular targets API 30 only apps with special permission (like file managers) can access them

if someone wants to find the file, he/she will find it…
a probably safer place would be to store the pdf file in the assets without downloading it from somewhere
