I want to ask how can we import Kodular app in MIT
Bcoz I want to submit my app for MIT app of the month
So please tell me if there is any way to do this bcoz whenever we try to import it, it shows that an extension is missing…
Thanks in Advance
@Manbir, follow these steps…
Export aia file of the project to your computer from kodular.
Now Open MIT App Inventor.
Then import the aia file from your computer to MIT App Inventor.
Download the extension from its sources.
Attach that extension to MIT App Inventor project.
Important Note:
If the components used in the project are compatible with MIT App Inventor, then you will not get any error while importing the project.
Keep koding…
All the best.
Convert to .aia file and then import
Thanks @Nisarga and @Automate_My_Project
Well I’ve imported it but it’s showing extension not found…
See, import the file without extension and then import the extension separately in the MIT AI
Follow the above steps…
Maybe it is considering non-visible component that is not compatible with MIT AI as extension.
So it checks that components in extensions list.
If it fail to find then it shows this error.
Ok then what I’ve to do??
I want to import my app which has some Kodular extensions which are not in MIT (like AdMob)
And some other extensions I’ve imported…
What? Downloaded project is already an aia file.
Please can u tell me how can I do it…
You have to delete all components that doesn’t exist on MIT, ads, etc…
Ok thanks
Have I to delete those extensions also which I’ve imported in Kodular??
No need to delete which you have imported to Kodular.
They are not components, they are extensions.
Sorry I wrote it wrongly
Why ? - “code” is the same build as “ai2”, the main server.
The only way to import a Kodular project into App Inventor is to ensure that there are no built in Kodular components (that do not exist in App Inventor) in the project, in order to make it compatible.
Rebuild your projects instead for less headache.
Sure! I will make some apps in MIT instead…
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