How to install Breadly (Custom Back-end for AppInventor)

Hello everyone!

This is my first guide here, today I will teach you how to install Breadly, a Back-end for AppInventor applications (Although it can perfectly be used in WebApps or other applications)


Since it is based on Laravel, it has pretty much the same requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.1.0
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

Ok, assuming you already have the aforementioned requirements, proceed with the installation

Local Installation

For local development you must install an additional program (XAMPP, Laragon or WAMP)

For this guide I will use Laragon (I recommend the Full version)

:information_source: In my case the installation of Laragon has installed the requirements, but check after installation

Laragon Installation

Once installed proceed to part 2


By default phpMyAdmin is not installed next to Laragon, but it is easily installable by following these simple steps:

Menu > Tools > Quick add > phpMyAdmin

Once installed you must restart Laragon to apply the changes

Creating Database

Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin

By default the user is root, does not have a password

Once you access you must create an exclusive database for Breadly

Opera%20Captura%20de%20pantalla_2019-11-10_100730_localhost Opera%20Captura%20de%20pantalla_2019-11-10_100807_localhost

So far so good (I guess)

Cloning Breadly

:warning: From now on we will use the Terminal, so you must be careful

Open Laragon Terminal


Once opened you must write the following commands (In restricted order)

cd C:\laragon\www && git clone GitHub - avramovic/breadly: The missing backend for App Inventor applications

cd breadly

cp .env.example .env && nano .env

At this point you must modify the APP_URL (http://localhost/breadly in this case) and DB_DATABASE lines, you must leave DB_USERNAME in “root” and DB_PASSWORD empty

To save you must press CTRL + O, press enter and then CTRL + X

composer install

php artisan key:generate

php artisan migrate --seed

If everything goes well, a login screen will appear when accessing http://localhost/breadly/admin

Extra information

Default credentials:

[email protected] | password

Breadly is based on Voyager, so you can find documentation to customize here:

REST Api Use


I made this topic short of time, so if you have any questions, let me know

In a few days I will place the instructions to install on a hosting server


Awesome work, Will help many Users, and asked by many also, :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s really amazing…:slightly_smiling_face:
Waiting for setup on Web Server


Hello everyone!

I am trying to install Breadly on AWS, if it works later I will publish instructions to implement Breadly on AWS


it’s not /admin it is public/admin

Expected response code 250 but got code \"530\", with message \"530 5.7.1 Authentication required\r\n\""

i got this error when regisater

You must restart Laragon

I am not on laragon I am using xammp and I restarted it

This comes when I try to register new user from API with code given on postman docs

It is more advisable to use Laragon

The problem with the registration is due to the lack of mail server data

I will add it later to the main post

What about this

Hello everyone,

Nice to see someone is actually using Breadly :slight_smile: (Thunkable classic is dead)

The document root should be YOUR_BREADLY_FOLDER/public, so it’s going to be only http://localhost/admin. XAMPP is not best to use Laravel apps but it can be made to work. Using virtualhost with custom document root might be your best option,

Feel free to ask me anything related to Breadly, I’d be happy to help!


I am using Laragon, and it automatically creates a .test “domain”

https://mybreadlypanel.test for example

(Yes, https because it also installs an SSL certificate for that virtual domain)

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Not sure where are you getting this error message? Neither 250 nor 530 are valid HTTP response codes so I’m nor sure this is coming from Breadly. Can you provide more info about what are you exactly trying to do?

I think I know why it is

SMTP is not configured in the .env file, I will add that to the main post

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You can also turn off email activation in Settings / Site (in /admin)


Hello, I wanted to reinstall breadly because I changed column name and it stopped updating the specific table data.

You don’t need to reinstall whole Breadly, you can reinstall the database only by issuing the following command:

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

edit: it WILL destroy all your data in the database and set up a new, empty one


There is no option to sync with main database?

What if I want to remove breadly? (command)