How to join rating bar with airtable

I want to let the rating bar to update some cells in the airtable
All in one row (number 1)
It will have 5 columns
1_star, 2_stars, 3_stars, 4_stars, 5_stars
Each time the user rates the app
It will update a cell of the selected rating
1 star will update the row 1 and coulmn 1_star by adding (+1) to the value in this cell
2 stars will update the row 1 and coulmn 2_stars by adding (+1) to the value of this cell… etc
That means the table will have only 5 coulmns and one row even there is a 50000 rating
This lets me know how many rates for 1 * and how many rates of 2* and so on

Only Code for 5star is Added REpeat the code inside loop for 4 ,3 ,2…ratings


Thank you very much
It works fine for me


:heart_eyes: Happy Koding


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