Hi. I’d like to know if social media apps, such as Facebook, are installed.
How do I research what the package names are?
Below is the code that I’d use in some format or another.
Hi. I’d like to know if social media apps, such as Facebook, are installed.
How do I research what the package names are?
Below is the code that I’d use in some format or another.
Search required app on Google Play, go to Share App, Copy sharing link. Below is the sharing link of Pubg,
And the package name is starting after id=
So in this case, package name is com.tencent.ig
Or you can search on Google.
Just Google…Is Life Supporter…
Google is great, but I want to learn how to go right to the source myself, without relying on Google.
Thanks @asimjib93
The package name for Facebook is com.facebook.katana
The package name for Twitter is com.twitter.android
Let me know if you need any others
Thanks @ryanhapps!
I managed to learn that I should view the play store in a browser and search for the app that I need, and then take the URL value for ID. This would be the package name.
No problem!
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