How to link Kodular Community to Kodular Account?

I want to know how can I link Kodular Community Account to Profile section of When I try to link it opens kodular community in which I have already logged in. And my community account doesn’t get linked.
Please help me!

Happing Koding,

Unusual Coder

This is strange, since your Discourse and My Kodular account share a common email address (and possibly also an ID)

Try the following: log out of Kodular Community, delete all Cookies, and then try to link your Community profile in My Kodular

I am also facing this issue and k tried what you told but didn’t worked

Something similar happens to me with Kodular Store, when I try to log in there, it sends me to, and when I try to return to Store the session is not yet started.

That’s because nothing works. The IDE doesn’t work, the Store, not to spread false fear, but I personally think the Community is next to not working :upside_down_face:


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