How to make a back button? need help?

hello, I want to make an application with webview, simply make a webview application from the codes and reflect the site address to the apk, but when I press the back button on my phone, it exits the application directly, this is very annoying. don’t leave the application directly please help me I’m very new

When Back button pressed
Call can webview go back block
Call webview go backward.

So your app won’t exit, only web address go back

Else anyother function to avoid back button to be used for what

yes, that’s exactly the problem, I’m wondering how to solve it through the codes. When I make a webview application, the application returns cause the application to exit, I want to come back from the webviev at the beginning of the browser site instead of exiting the application by making a return button, I do not want to exit the application, how can I use the codes for this can you help me ?

If the webviewer cannot go back further, in my case it will return to main screen.
You can edit else block the way you want