How to make a GET request on Web View?

Why?? :thinking:
Can’t you use JavaScript?

I can but how can I couldn’t get my solution in that thread.

I think its not possible.

Please read my last post

Simply run the JavaScript and it will do the rest.

i read. that also couldn’t help

ok… i will try

Yes i can. I make app for friend to login in Facebook.
I show in web view to login. After the user login to facebook and close the app. Next time to open my app don’t need to login again. Why ? data login are in the cookies.

i am able to understand you.
but what I want to do is to create the account ALSO for the user automatically.

If so then JavaScript is the only solution.

Yes, @vknow360 is right.
you need more than only loguin, created a user to

I just want to know how can I make the highlighted portion dynamic ??
so that I can put the users which signed in my app natively to get signed in automatically in the website.


Use join block and tiny DB.

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Use webViewString for bridge between kodular app and website through javascript

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