How to make a GET request on Web View?

How can I make a GET request on WebViewer and submit a form automatically ??

After successfully making the get request, I want to show it on the WebViewer ??
I searched about it but couldn’t find a solution.

I’m using Web component to get response.
With webviewer you can’t do that.
Trie with Web component after get response set webviewer to you need to do

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I am trying to get request using the Web component but the form is somehow not getting submitted maybe.
BTW…i am getting 200 as the status code.

You get 200 why you are using " Responde Code "
Change this to " Responde Content "

Sorry is Response

:sob: :sob:


am i doing it right ??
i have never tried it before… so i am having difficulty.

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I don’t see where you call Web1.Get, to got text


There are only these three event listener blocks.

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You need:
1 Set URL for web component
blocks (7)

2 Call to got text
component_method (1)


If you haven’t any problem Can you provide this URL So i will try to do this

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This is a URL which I am not using -

I want to make a get request in it so that the login form automatically gets submitted.
Here is detail of a fake account -
email - [email protected]
password - markpeter

You have to login into that

You are using this for test ???
To final proyect change this !!!


?? couldn’t catch that

Change your login to final or any here can used your login

let anyone login. its a fake account. that email doesnt even exists.

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The problem i’m looking is direct link to login.
Need to select Log In to access the from

Search in the web to login for any API or special access to complete the from

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So sorry for me english, i’m from Argentina and Spanish is my original languaje.
I trie to say form …
But you will understand me anyhow

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Hi @catastrophe2help
This can be helpful:

Trie this:

  1. Show in webviewer the web site.
  2. Tab Log In and login to the site
  3. Close you app
  4. Restart show webviewer (i’m 99% sure) don’t need to login again
    Why ? Login are stored in the cookies.
    Don’t delete cookies and problem solved
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couldn’t help.