How to make Blocks for ADMOB Banner?

I added an Admob banner to my app. But after opening the app, the ad does not appear. Why is that?

Kodular already have admob ads blocks

Edit: ohh I didn’t see your text just I seen the topic head line

Place the admob banner where you want and use load block on screen load okay first time try with test ads unit Okay

Welcome @Hasitha_lakmal
Here are the properties:


Is your app approved by kodular?If not appy for monetization approval and they will approve it around 2 weeks

If you don’t have approval yet but want to just test how it looks then “Select test mode”

thank you very much… :+1:t2:

strong text[quote=“J.M.R_CREATIONS, post:4, topic:97674, full:true”]
Is your app approved by kodular?If not appy for monetization approval and they will approve it around 2 weeks

can you tell me what are the steps i have to follow for monetization approvel?

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I got approved within 2 weeks. :sweat_smile:

You can see this in the top of the website on the far right then choose my account.Then choose the app you want to get monetized and apply for monetization approval

You need to wait another 3 weeks, then you can apply for monetisation.