How to make horizontal component sticky?

How to make a horizontal component sticky?
So I am making a top navigation bar and I am trying to figure out how to make horizontal component sticky?
Usually, top and bottom navigation bars are hidden and come to visible when we scroll up, so how to achieve that or to the least how to make horizontal bar sticky?

Put everything below/above it in a vertical scrolling arrangement, set your screen alignment accordingly (but do not set screen to scrollable)

what about webview?
will I be able to scroll webview?

IIRC a webview will not scroll if inside a vertical scrolling arrangement.

Sounds like you are going to need some extensions or to present some of your components in a different way

but if have dynamic card on the screen it is not working :confused: Do you know solution?

what happes if you follow the suggestion?

any screenshot of your designer screen setup?


when i scroll to bottom. Banner ad or others stay to behind

you forgot to provide a screenshot of your designer screen setup