How to make such type of arrangement in firebase realtime storage?

Hello Great :kodular:oders,
Can someone please help me out in achieving this type of arrangement in firebase realtime storage…

I tried some experiments but didn’t succedd…


Blocks :

But you have already did it or am I missing something ? :thinking: Your firebase’s properties are wrong. Url should be
and bucket is Users

As my expectation, you are the first one to help… thanks for being such active buddy…

Okh, let me give a sec to try…

But if I take users as bucket,. then data entered will be like this I think:
It will go under users section but I want that to come under userID section…

But afterwards when screen initialize you have to set project bucket to join Users/call tinydb get value tag Id

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Okh, let see…

I tried and got some success but didn’t succedd completely…

The UserID is added under Users Section… But Current task is not adding under userID…

And Properties as you said:

Move blocks

But this will bring something like this:
I think,…

A simple example


If you use user id as tag then after uninstall and reinstall or again if he sign in if found it gives different user id

I don’t think so,
User id is given to user when signUp and that will be same whenever he login in back. Else what will be the use of it…

Yes… i got it now…

Do you mean

i.e. you want to say that I should not use userID as identity tag.

Yes, i mean the same… as you said it generates unique uid… and can use uid as main tag in which you can create sublists

Okh, No problem with that, I can use email instead, no issue…