How to move component?

i am new at kodular ,

how to move components example a button there is no options to move components

there is no options for move my button!!!

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Here is a old youtube video from MIT AI2 (which also works in Kodular) on how to position the components on the screen.


Simple, you can not remove components. If you want to locate the component at certain place, you have to use ‘Space’ component. :wink:

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if i want to move it to center so how i move it using space.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

To move it to center, align the vertical or horizontal layout to center.

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You can send me a video of moving button to center, left, bottom because when i am trying to moving it, it not work.

See this video, where i am trying to moving the button but its not work and the UI of Kodular also change -

See the ‘Align Horizontal’ & ‘Align Vertical’ section.

P.S.: Do some research from now onward. It was your first post, so I guided you. :slight_smile:


yeah, this question is an avoid-of-“try and error”, but you’ll never get into kodular basics, if you ask such questions.


hi thanks i was unable to do it earlier but now i can do it thanks again.

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