How to not ask user permission to read data?

Hi Koders, I tried glide extension, worked in companion but crashed app when installed apk. Waiting for an update on Picasso extension.
Any solution any one has found on this topic? Kindly share. Your support is appreciated.

I am using Picasso extension from @vknow360 . It is a really nice extension but I am getting an error while using it. Only the last image is loaded rest of the image do not load. They load after refreshing companion twice or thrice or changing any parameter, like changing enableindicator from true to false. when instaling apk file, same error, only the last images load, rest of them dont load. Below is the screen shot of blocks and error.

How to fix this?
Thanks in advance.

You should ask the developer @Atom_Developer about that . This extension is for loading images asynchronously and it will only work with links.

I got it working with v1.3beta and attaching a screenshot and blocks here:

Logger.aia (201.0 KB)

Is that asynload image. If file on chace then load else dowload

It worked with MIT platform. I tried your aia with kodular and it is not working properly. Only one image is loading. Try with kodular, and please tell us know if it works.

Can you explain what you are saying?

If I want to redirect users to this notifications settings when notification settings button click in app how to redirect them ?

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