The file is stored in the ASD - application specific directory, which is accessible by your own app
use the file component to copy it to shared storage in order to access it with activity starter
It’s not clear to me to what extent this is supposed to be a solution.
It is of course no problem to open the PDF with the same app (let’s say App1). However, that is / was (?) not the topic. It’s about opening this PDF file with another app (let’s say App2) from the foreign ASD (app1). And that’s definitely not possible with the APK.
No, as I have already said and recently demonstrated.
Note: It makes no sense at all to test this with Companion, because all Kodular apps always have the same ASD with Companion: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files
So the ASD is accessible to any app with Companion.
However, all compiled Kodular apps have different ASDs.