How to program a button with each press the text changes

How to program a button with each press the text changes

Text of that button?

For example, the first press is my name, the second press is my family name, the third press is my address, and so on

This makes no sense! Explain what you’re trying to do and post your design structure so I can understand your use case.

create a variable and name it empty, then use if control, when button press, check data stored in variable, if empty, let your name show and store that name in the empty variable, when next press check if the name stored is your name, if return true, show family name and continue the process for your address as well, you can also use tiny DB instead of defining a variable.

you can also create a list of all the necessary names and address and pull them out to show one by one with an if statement whiles you press the button each time. there are more ways you can easily do this stuffs. hope it was helpful

Thank you I will try this

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Yes you can do by When any button press in any components


when any button press {

change any button text
