How to remove button shadow

How to remove button shadow

Is button created with Dynamic Component extension ?

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Yes ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎

I already try BorderShadow = false
Not Working

Show your blocks

Someone can help us with this? I have the same problem.

I set border shadow to false but this is still true.

I have this issue as well. The designer setting is unchecked but the shadow under the button is still there. Using an ordinary button.

You can replace the button with a cardview (full clickable = true)

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Thanks for the suggestion. I can make that work with some fiddling.

I was driving myself crazy with this issue. It seems like it may be a Designer bug but in the blocks there is no property for it either. There is a lot to be desired in some of these component.