How to remove error screen?

I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic

Importei um tela que apresenta erro (bug). Não consigo remover a tela, pois o Kodular não habilita o botão para remover. Como remover neste caso?

Translation added by Mod

I imported a screen that presents an error (bug). I can’t remove the screen as Kodular doesn’t enable the remove button. How to remove in this case?

Welcome to community. Official language is English so next time please follow the rules. As for your problem in order to import a screen / ais, in order to avoid such problems, you must have imported all extensions used in that screen to your project before importing screen.
In order to delete that screen you have to download project/aia, open it with 7zip, go to src folder, locate problematic bky and scm files and delete them. After that upload aia again to creator