How to save data from airtable in TinyDb and then show into ColintreelistView

I have my news app and i want to save data from airtable in tinydb so that it may be aviabale in offline mood too and when required it is showed form tiny db in colintrelistview and news section. But when user gets online the whole new data again gets updated from airtable in
tinydb and gets saved for offline use and same process repeated evry time

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so exactly what do you want? you dont want to update data of tiny db when user goes online?

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No no in my news app i get data from airtable when user exit the app and again open it then app again takes time to reload the same data in case if there is no new news. I want to save this data in tinydb so that once data is taken from airtable it gets stored in tinydb and becomes available without time wastage in reloading and in case if new news is also updated then when user reading offline available data it also gets updated data from airtable.

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then you can use tiny db first, if tiny db is empty then check for internet, if available then get data, or when tinydb has data then show that data and after show check if internet is avalable then load data and if data is not = saved data (like length of list not= to saved data list length) then update lists and save in to tiny db, if = then dont update, method is long but will work for you, try to configure blocks

Ok i m going to try it then we’ll discuss it

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Did you succeed, if yes can you show block om how you save it from airtable to tiny db

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can you help with block illustration please?

something like this, ( i have created for as example, maybe you find any mistake in my blocks but i think this method will work)



much thanks, that’s exactly what i wanted.

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