How to send another screen when click any with different value

I have list of card view and i want to send the users to another screen when user click any one of this list the they get different text which i want to show
Please don’t suggest to createa many screen and send them bcoz i have 114 list it’s not possible to create 114 screens
I want to show them in one screen

Please help me someone’s :sob:

Use open screen by startValue. The use get value in the next screen to get back your value.

Could u show the block please

@Ramjan_Malik i got what r u trying to do
Just do following
When he clicks on a card use
Open another screen with start value block
And store the name of surah mubarka
And when next screen opens check if name is equal to surah name
Then show the holly words of that surah
U have to make 114 checks for every surah
So u will be all done
(extended form of @WatermelonIce’s idea )

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could u send the blocks PLEASE

This is a block
When he clicks on a card use
This is a block
Open another screen with start value
This is a block
store the name of surah mubarka
This is a block
if name is equal to surah name
And ALL others the rest are blocks…
( @WatermelonIce’s and @Zia_Choudhary idea )