I want to show notification when here is no iternet on users app.i have tried with these blocks but app still shows url.please help me
Here is your solution then call web_viewer 1
You are using wrong event block. Instead of when Notifier. After Choosing
block use the when Notifier1.Got Custom Choose Dialog
event block
For more information see my below reply on similar topic.
Im still not able to hide url using this block.would you please tell me whats wrong on my blocks.I tried many times but not succeed.
its still not working
Can you upload your aia file here? Or you can also PM me the same if you want and I will have look at it when I am free
i worked with if green block with= and there i put in choice = retry then call checkconn.
With that the Notifier got costim dioalog works for me.
tryyfirebase.aia (2.5 KB)
this is my aia what’s wrong in this block please advise me
did not work
still showing url
and when you are connected to wifi but you dont have internet access it is not even show your dialog.
shows dialog only when internet not connected.
we need to hide url when your wifi or mobile is turned on but not have access to internet
there mus be something like " when web_Viever1 cannot load "
is there any solution ?
not worked for me
Wait! A choose dialog notifier not gonna do anything more than just showing a notice. So, is the notifier showing to you? And, the URL is still visible in background?
Hello I have the same problem as you, can you collaborate with the blocks please. Or someone who can help me.
I use the Network component.
Look for the method called Network1.On Disconnect.
Inside that, I display a Notifier window that the network is disconnected and that some features are unavailable.
Hi! Actually the error is not due to the internet connection or blocks. According to the picture shown, that shows webpage not available, in that you have specified the URL as https://instagram.com / . Just remove the slash ( / ) after .com. It should help. Thanks! Do tell if it works!
Aslo you can use notifier for giving alert.
Yes unfortunately
Maybe this extension help you: