how to show a message or hide the undefined error if json is empty
Try to use when screen1 error occurred
Block example please
But I feel this run time error is not because of empty results.
Any try tobuse this
Here use if then block
If error message contain text run time error
Then use notifier to alert user with custom dialog
He told you to use the block when Screen error occurred…
Screen is a component and **when Error Occurred" is a event ( yellow blocks )
And Here
Here is the Kodular documentation.
It is a GREAT source of consultation and learning.
Are you sure the cause of the error is this block?
Have you already tested it, check if the key value is empty ?
In the json api it’s empty, I want if there’s nothing in json it doesn’t show errors
Use the Error Occurred Block that Rogerio is mentioning.
Only put it in your Screen and leave it empty.
I found a solution, thanks to everyone who helped me
Can you share with us your solution…?
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