how to show the list of installed apps on the device?
Welcome. I removed your ASAP. That is like shouting and demanding and we don’t do that here. It makes me always less likely to help.
thanks for the response, i will try
@Fhzka you can also install the sample aia provided by taifun , it does the samething you want
thanks, I have tried it, but I have a problem after importing I get a problem notification, and when I try the companion runtime error.
any suggestions to solve it?
hey i am not sure but it may be a problem due to android x not sure
you may recast the extension and try to import the aix
if it doesn’t help you then try contacting @Taifun
I created the example project for MIT App Inventor…
according to the error message it seems to be, the web component of MIT App Inventor and Kodular are incompatible, which results in that error…
as workaround just recreate the app from scratch using the blocks from the example project
it is not, because all my extensions have been adjusted to Android X since a long time… and this extension does not use any support libraries…
i would try with app instead of companion