[[{“challanId”:16,“mva”:“S-119/S177 of MV ACT”,“offenceName”:“Wrong side driving”,“penalty”:300}], [{“challanId”:17,“mva”:“184(C)”,“offenceName”:“Use of hand held communication devices while driving DT 30072020”,“penalty”:1000}, {“challanId”:17,“mva”:“S.185 of MV Act”,“offenceName”:“Driving by a drunken person or by a person under influence of drugs”,“penalty”:2000}, {“challanId”:17,“mva”:“194(1)”,“offenceName”:“Overloading of Goods Carriage Notification Dt 30072020”,“penalty”:26000}], [{“challanId”:18,“mva”:“”,“offenceName”:“13813177 LMV”,“penalty”:500}], [{“challanId”:19,“mva”:“”,“offenceName”:“13813177 LMV”,“penalty”:500}], [{“challanId”:20,“mva”:“MV act 1988 S 179 (1)”,“offenceName”:“Disobedience of any direction lawful given by the authority”,“penalty”:2000}], [{“challanId”:21,“mva”:“MV act 1988 S 179 (1)”,“offenceName”:“Disobedience of any direction lawful given by the authority”,“penalty”:2000}, {“challanId”:21,“mva”:“MV act 1988 S 119 R/W S 177 mentioned in section 184 a,b,d,e,f”,“offenceName”:“Violation of traffic rules by the driver except the offences mentioned in Section in 184 a b d e f and without any indication changing the alignment”,“penalty”:500}], [{“challanId”:22,“mva”:“Section 192 R/W section 39 and 56 of the MVA…”,“offenceName”:“Without valid fitness certificate driven vehicle”,“penalty”:5000}], [{“challanId”:23,“mva”:“Section 194 B(1) of MVA 1988”,“offenceName”:“Failure to use safety belt while driving or carries passenger not wearing safety belt”,“penalty”:1000}], [{“challanId”:24,“mva”:“MV act 1988 S 122,126 R/W 177”,“offenceName”:“violation of parking rules”,“penalty”:500}], [{“challanId”:25,“mva”:“194”,“offenceName”:“Failure to use safety belt while driving or carries passenger not wearing safety belt Notification Dt 30072020”,“penalty”:1000}], [{“challanId”:26,“mva”:“Section 194 B(1) of MVA 1988”,“offenceName”:“Failure to use safety belt while driving or carries passenger not wearing safety belt”,“penalty”:1000}], [{“challanId”:27,“mva”:“MV act 1988 S 122,126 R/W 177”,“offenceName”:“violation of parking rules”,“penalty”:500}], [{“challanId”:28,“mva”:“R.138(3) of C.M.V Rules r/w S.177 of MV Act”,“offenceName”:“Seat Belt Non wearing the Seat Belts while the vehicle is in motion”,“penalty”:100}]]
Thanks, for helping me