How to store more than two values upto 10 in firebase

How can we store more than two values upto soo on, in one firebase tag. i mean user would be able to store multiple values in one tag…?

Join all values with any unique string and when needed split it

can u plzzz explain little bit more plzz

On button or label click first get this tag value then add new value into it and again save this new value into the same tag

Get the tag value

value received as ===> 50
then add new value as 50,25 (using join block) and save this new value into the same tag

before update the tag value is 50
After update the tag value is 50,25

Initialized tag through variable and then store it as join.getTag,textboxbut its not working

Show us what have you tried

Or try this


Its only stores empty string not value inside it values are replacing eachother

You have not used used the blocks properly

No comma in blocks but in fb it is found… how?

Also text box is either cleared or no value while sending the request to fb

Comma is bcz of joinBlock. And the text gets text from user to store