How to store multi values in a tag in firebase

See the screenshots

Before Append the list or when screen initialize

And when I try to append the result I am getting is →

Hope this will understand what problem I actually getting.

@Zain_Work and @Still-learning did you get something what happening?

I checked your aia. I need to make big changes in your project. I mean change all blocks according to get data from firebase.
First we able to get all data in simple way than you can show it in list half list or full data according to your mind.
Can i change it ?

Sure what can be the logic to implement?

try with dynamic comp extenstion and web component

check the screen2
tet(1).aia (49.5 KB)


Hey @Still-learning,
Everything seems to be working perfectly! I’m really grateful for your help.
Would you be able to spare 5-10 minutes to explain how everything is implemented?

Regards :slightly_smiling_face:

Doesnt the blocks help you/ explains you?

i have used procedure and web url to call the data from firebase as a json

@Zain_Work if you have suggestions than please share.

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I go through it two time now I understood how logic is Implemented.


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Was your problem has been solved as you want ??

Yes problem is solved with this logic. If you have different logic then please can share.

I have also the same logic. But its good if you use airtable. Airtable have simple logic but airtable is a little bit slow than firebase.
And in airtable you can make 1000 rows(means you can add 1000 entries) only in free plan.

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Yes Airtable is slow as compare to Firebase and we can store 1200 rows in a base.
Well thank you for your help.


Hello @Still-learning
How can I set data in Center alignment?
In this extension I didn’t find block to set data to align center

I try this what to set in “arrangement” if this is the correct block to set the alignment.


But remember also firebase isn’t free.
If you publish your app than you will got firebase storage limit if you have some users daily.

I recommend to use google spread sheet.

Thanks for you suggestion please provide more details how can I use it?
It is better we discuss this in PM.

Yes we can also talk on telegram .
Just click on my profile . you will see my telegram link

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@Still-learning waiting for your response…

you can use set property block

use 0 or 1 or 2

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