How to transfer data from firebase to dynamic card in kodular،Is the subject no one knows the solution to the problem maybe I am in the wrong place

Hello, can someone help me? Is it possible to retrieve information for each ad even though the ad number is not known when stored? Display information on a dynamic view card with a dynamic label with a dynamic image.

Get this tag value and show the required tag values in diff lab…

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Can you help me? I want to retrieve the ad for the user and display it on a public page, as well as display the same ad on the user’s private ads page for the purpose of changing and deleting. The ad contains data and images. Is it possible to do this in kodular

when you request to Get Tag List
then you will Got All leftside values of selected bucket in Tag List event block as a list in Value parameter…
1st check all parameters Value,Tag,Value parameter in an label for checking the structure of data that you are getting…

Note : why you are using join blocks to join the manual text…??
give path in string block…

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Can you give more details? I am new to programming.

yes,tell me what you want?

Thank you in advance. I have created a program to advertise the sale of animals, where the user enters pictures and information for the advertisement. Now the information is stored in Firebase, but the problem is that each advertisement must be numbered so that the previous advertisement is not cancelled. How do I retrieve the information for each advertisement so that the information and pictures are displayed first on a page dedicated to each type of animal, in addition to displaying the user’s advertisement on his own page?
Such an app

i am not getting your POV

How do I retrieve data if the ad number is unknown and changed? What do I use?

According to your Data Structure
Ad :open_file_folder:> cat :open_file_folder:> Ad1,Ad2… …Ad.n…

1st put bucket path Ad/cat/
now get request tag list after that you got all Ads title(eg…ad1,ad2) as list in value parameter of Tag List
so now your each ad also an bucket so again change bucket path
put for each item on that valuelist this time use set bucket path as
Ad/cat/each item of loop

now use will got all inner left side tags


now use GetValue block in the loop to get the value of each tag(Animtype,gender…)…
i will show you pics when i’ll online

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I wish the picture story would be clearer to me
I am at a loss trying to solve the problem. There is no video on YouTube to learn from.

sent me text in private… i"ll show you pics in next 20,30mnts