How to upload an image to my server built with Node.js

I have my server created in node in which it is used to upload images, currently with html it works fine but I want to try with kodular and it doesn’t work, can someone help me how can I make it work with kodular? . I am using the web component and entering the url of my server (I am using ngrok to make my server online) /upload is the endpoint of my server that is used to send the file

Here I leave the image with the blocks, sorry for my english

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Remove the Get method, also remove the GotFile event and use the Web GotText event to find out if the upload went fine… check the response content there


Excuse me, this is what you’re referring to. I don’t really understand how these blocks work.



This way it doesn’t work, nothing happens, since I am using the web component, that is what I understood, excuse my ignorance

Yes, obviously it does not work if you do not post the file


Now it is having a connection with the server but look at what it sends, undefined

Check your global variable file… what is its content?
Do you have an exsmple working in another language?
Any response content?

Sorry, I’m not familiar with Node.js, this is what the community knows sbout it


ok perfect thanks anyway for trying to help