How to upload characters like "ç" in Airtable

I am developing an app where users themselves have uploaded the content that will be displayed in the timeline (cardview), but when I upload sentences with characters like “ç” a question mark appears in airtable instead of the character that was written

How to make the character appear correctly?

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goood man

but where do i put this?

I’ll put to encode on airtable input and decode on output?

Or is it already decoded in airtable?

which component do I get this index from?

like this

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Use this component and use encode & decode it’s working perfectly

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No I am away from home that’s why , use this AIA Please Help Me To Upload Data On Airtable

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Or you can use a unused known character like “%” where you have “ç” in Airtable. Then you can replace “%” with “ç” in your app by using Text blocks.

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There is already a topic about storing the special characters, if I am right, encryption solves the problem.

it worked but i want to show the data in cardview but i think it doesn’t support the data when it is decoded what do i do?

I am using the cardview extension, does the component support decoding? if not, can listview be used?

how ?

Can you show your blocks?

can you send me a screenshot of your blocks