Airtable store data

If you open Airtable’s website and write value in Gujarati and Hindi language in the cell, it is read in the application.
But if data is stored in Gujarati or Hindi language in the cell of Airtable with the help of application, it is not stored in Gujarati or Hindi language.

How to store data in Gujarati and Hindi language in Airtable with the help of application?
Will you show me a solution?

Use encode - decode procedure

not working

Whar’s not working ? I use it with Greek lanquage and works perfect

The data should be uploaded to the airtable in the language in which I am uploading.

What to do for that?

data.aia (2.5 KB)

No data is uploaded encoded so you won’t be able to see them correcty in airtable, only in app when you call data see