How to upload PDF file on web hosting

How to upload pdf file on web hosting and get url of pdf


other types file (videos, apk, image, etc )

if anybody know above , then pm i will pay for this

use the ftp component

can you explain more what are you looking for in detail ?

@ammarwhite I want to get url of item (pdf, apk, aia, video, audio) like cloudnary

but i want with web hosting

then buy a webhosting service , it’s cheap and there’s free webhosting services too

You need to use FPT component and connect with your hosting. When you need to upload file then create directory in your hosting and give some name using JOIN box like ABC.pdf, ABC.mp4, ABC.apk (Make sure file extension will be same) and create integer with your hosting directory
when upload completed Join all text (Your hosting directory + your filename and extension) save any where you want in tnydb or create column in airtable and google spreadsheet. If need more help just PM me.