Hello everyone, I am creating an application that brings me a list of images from AirTable and then every time I select the image it opens a text image list that would come from another AirTable. At this moment I already know how to bring the list of images but the problem is that when I select the image I don’t know how to bring another airtable to show me the other list. Can somebody help me
So let’s consider they are two different Tables.
Make a numeric Variable with default value 0 . Suppose the images are called when screen initialises.
So when screen initialises set the Variable value as 1 and call all the images. Now in the block “when airtable . Got Collumn” put a condition if variable= 1 then save data in list “images”.
Now when image click, Set Variable= 2 and call corresponding data. Now in the block “when airtable . Got Collumn” put a condition if variable= 2 sava data in list “Details”.
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Hey, can you help me with an example in a .aia please?