How to use In-App Update Component

This is how user will get to know about new updates.


I have used that steps, but it doesn’t work…

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This popup notifier, looks very professional. In-app update extension is offer this popup template or it be private work? Maybe you can share some guide how make notify similar like this one?
Thanks in advance.

@amazingtoolkits It is the default template.

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if the user clicks no thanks in the dialog box asking for update. Then will the notification show again when the app opens, or it will show only once?

In which group will I get the In-App_Update component?

Check that

What does the In-App Update component do?

In app update not working old version sdk

It’s still working good enough for me! Tested today near about 4 hrs ago.

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Thank you so much @ravigarg. Working great for me! :star_struck:
But, please update the guide and instead of Screen.Initialize block, place the
In-App_Update.Initialize block in the very first image under bullet 1.
Have a great time!

I have used minimum SDK 5 and used inapp_update.initialize block but it is not working on my android 10