How to use local host to run javascript files which includes path to images and css file along with index.html in kodular

How to use webserver/localhost in Kodular apps

hellow koders,
Ihave a problew in showing my index.html file with javascript and css file

I have coded a game and i want to compile it into an app.

it is running fine in my pc by using webserver (localhost)

i am using chrome web server you can see

and it is running fine

**can you please help we to run these files by usin lolalhost

i dont know to to use local host in kodular apps**

my files are in this zip file. (923.4 KB)

Did you try :Web Viewer - Kodular Docs

Update My App - Extension - Useful to app builders to update their distributed apps or that

probably this exension can help?
Simple Web Server Extension by Juan Antonio


i GOT THE EXTENSION but i dont now how to use it run my files by this extension.
can you please tell me the steps.
it will be better for me that can you please download my files frome above link and provide me a demo with screenshots i will be thankful to you. this is very important for me as i am currently making games in javascript editor .
and if i got this localhosting done than i can compile all my games into apps by the gret kodular builder.

YES BUT I want able to do that if its posible by webviewer then please suggest me with steps