How to use multiple images in single page from url

Hello can anyone tell me how to use multiple images with online url , when i do thats it works but the page is not responding for 10 secs.

or is there any extension to load image one by one by url with cache storage.

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Please first clear your question & also post your blocks what you have tried…

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Sharing your desired result (screenshot) could be helpful.

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check this sir

here is it

it may take time depending on your internet speed

Btw you don’t have to double post


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Thank you sir for replying , i replied both of them thats why i post double, and i think my internet speed is 50 mbps which is fast enough to load images .but the page is not responding at starting for 10 sec , can i load every images with the gap of 1 sec ?

You can try this one



wow thank you so much sir , i was looking like this extension :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

@himalayanxtiger Hope @Boban solved your problem.

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